Now in 1990 we are given a look at what is called "Polly's School." This really throws us into a tailspin here because how old is Polly? Are we to believe that this is a school she attends, or that this is a school that she owns. Maybe she owns a Charter school. There was no documentation of the story that i could find, so our only real clues are in the merchandise. The set comes with polly and a teacher. As we look at Polly, we see she is wearing a blue hat and a matching blue dress? Pantsuit? does this look like the outfit of a woman speaking to the teacher from a supervisatory role? or a child being taught in the classroom? I really cannot say at this point. But the outfit does remind me of the outfits the girls wear in "Madeline."

We also learn of another Polly owned business- her Hair Salon that she co-owns with Pixie, a never before mentioned friend!

Official bluebird printed story: " “Polly’s Hairdressing Salon- Polly and Pixie have a beautiful hairdressing salon. All the girls go there to have their hair done – and some of the boys too! Polly loves doing her friend’s hair and making them look even prettier. When there’s a party, Polly and Pixie can make their friends look wonderful. Sometimes the friends all get together in Polly’s salon and try new hairstyles, to see what will suit them. It’s great fun!”